Phoenix Energy General Manager Speaks at MED-DESIRE International Conference: Technical Roundtable & Project Meeting

Phoenix Energy, renewable energy products supplier, contributes to the Mediterranean solar sector at MED-DESIRE International Conference.
Phoenix Energy General Manager Speaks at MED-DESIRE International Conference: Technical Roundtable & Project Meeting
Phoenix Energy General Manager Speaks at MED-DESIRE International Conference: Technical Roundtable & Project Meeting

During MED-DESIRE International Conference, Rabih Osta, Phoenix Energy General Manager, took part in the ‘Technical Roundtable’ discussion and delivered a speech in the opening session titled ‘Mediterranean Solar Market Constraints and Opportunities’. As a member of Lebanese Solar Energy Society (LSES), Osta demonstrated on an international scale Lebanese contribution to the development and promotion of the use of renewable solar energy for protective and economic purposes.

The conference named “A solar future in the Mediterranean” took place from 31 March – 1 April 2014 at Palace Hotel in Bari, Italy. MED-DESIRE hosted international attendees and discussed current and future support schemes for solar initiatives and renewable energies. The solar energy project aims to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Mediterranean area.

Rabih Osta Discusses Renewable Solar Energy

Osta evaluated the current situation and upcoming trends in thermal and electrical conductivity. He also analyzed industry strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in the Mediterranean region. Osta presented LSES activities and initiatives achieved so far. He addressed key solar projects and new initiatives in Lebanon including Beirut River Solar Snake (BRSS), National Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Action (NEERA) and Hot Water Solar Tank (HWST).

The conference comprised of two main sessions. The first session, open to the public, featured an international conference and a technical workshop. The second session consisted of a project internal meeting including a financial training session for Mediterranean Partner Countries and the third Technical & Scientific Committee and Steering Committee meetings.

The two-day seminar attracted international private and public sector associations and organizations, as well as ministries interested in the development of renewable solar systems including, the Andulasian Ministry of Economy, Innovation and Science, the Tunisian Ministry of Industry; the Egyptian Ministry of Trade and the Lebanese Solar Energy Society that represented, among others, Lebanese Minister of Energy and Water.

About MED-DESIRE Project

MEDiterranean DEvelopment of support schemes for Solar Initiatives and Renewable Energies (MED-DESIRE) is a strategic project which aims to promote the implementation and use of solar energy in the Mediterranean region by establishing an effective cross-border cooperation, raising public awareness, and overcoming barriers, such as: poor institutional frameworks, lack of competent energy practitioners, need of dedicated financial instruments, inadequate perception on the benefits of solar energy investments, subsidized prices of electricity produced by fossil fuel plants, and absence of quality equipment and installation.

In order to ensure effectiveness, the project’s key priority is to find solutions to challenges, remove obstacles in legal, regulatory, economic and organizational framework by partnering with:

  • Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (Italy, Lazio)
  • Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic.
  • Development (Italy, Lazio)
  • Andalusian Energy Agency (Spain, Andalucía)
  • Andalusian Institute of Technology (Spain, Andalucía)
  • CIEMA – Solar Plataform of Almeria (Spain, Andalucía)
  • The National Agency for Energy Conservation (Tunisia, Tunis)
  • Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (Lebanon)
  • New and Renewable Energy Authority (Egypt)

Rabih Osta Biography

Educational Background:
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering; Master’s of Business Administration from NDU; Master’s of International Business from Bordeaux

Current Position:
Area General Manager of Phoenix Group: Phoenix Machinery, Phoenix Energy, Phoenix Technology Lebanon, and Phoenix Technology UAE.

Short Biography:
Currently, Osta is a member of the World Energy Council – Lebanon Committee consulting boardas well as the Syndicate of Engineers and Architects in Beirut and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in UK.

Osta serves as a part-time professor in the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics in NDU and Sagesse University.

About Phoenix Energy

Phoenix Energy, located in Safra, Lebanon, supplies renewable energy products, such as solar water heatersbiomass boilerswind turbine systemssolar outdoor lights and PV Systems. In addition, it provides resource assessment services and turnkey commercial projects to recycle and transform waste into electricity using waste-to-energy systems.

Phoenix Energy is a member of Phoenix Group of Companies and a member of the multinational INDEVCO Group.




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