Phoenix Energy Joins FOSTEr in MED to Launch Building Integrated Photovoltaic Pilot Project at Industrial Research Institute

Phoenix Energy, Lebanese renewable energy solutions provider, completed an integrated solar energy pilot project at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI), a first in Lebanon.
Phoenix Energy Joins FOSTEr in MED to Launch Building Integrated Photovoltaic Pilot Project at Industrial Research Institute
Phoenix Energy Joins FOSTEr in MED to Launch Building Integrated Photovoltaic Pilot Project at Industrial Research Institute

With pressing environmental concerns amidst the current situation in Lebanon, Phoenix Energy has embarked once again on a solar energy project at the Industrial Research Institute (IRI) at Lebanese University in Hadath, Lebanon. The building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) project will produce 36 MWh/year of energy and offer a capacity of 29.4 KWP. Extending for duration of 3 months, the project is part of FOSTEr in MED “Fostering Solar Technology in the Mediterranean Area” initiative launched by the European Union ENPI CBCMED (Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean) to increase environmental awareness and promote use of photovoltaic panels within the building architecture in Lebanon.

In line with green architecture, building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) focuses on integrating PV panels into the design of buildings, providing both energy and esthetic appeal. The project will reduce 30 – 40% of the energy bill “for a maximum output of 29.4 kWp electricity.

The location of PV panels further reduces energy consumption since electricity is directly generated on the building and there is no longer need for distribution and transmission. Furthermore, positioning of the panels also captures sunlight, while providing shade to the glass façade of the building. This reduces the energy consumption of air conditioning used to fight the heat accumulated when the sunlight directly enters the hallways.

About Phoenix Energy

Phoenix Energy, renewable energy solutions provider located in Safra, Lebanon, supplies products, such as solar water heatersPV power systems including solar street light, LED light solution, wooden frame houses and biomass boilers for domestic and commercial use. It also provides turnkey commercial projects to recycle and transform electricity using waste-to-energy systems.

Phoenix Energy is a member of the Phoenix Group of Companies, member of the multinational INDEVCO Group.





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